Frozen Shoulder Chiropractic Treatment
Our Sydney Sports Chiropractor at Advanced Sports Chiropractic provides frozen shoulder chiropractic treatment for patients. Depending on the type and severity of the injury, the frozen shoulder chiropractic treatment is vital to healing and to reduce the likelihood of recurrence.
The shoulder has the greatest range of motion of any joint and relies upon very fine control of its surrounding muscles. This control, combined with a large range of movement, tends to make it susceptible to an injury such as frozen shoulder.
Frozen Shoulder Chiropractic Treatment may include:
- soft tissue massage and friction therapy (ART)
- anti-inflammatory advice such as ice or heat treatment, or medication
- stretches and joint mobilization
- specific rehabilitation program to improve strength and flexibility
- advice on suitable exercise regimes and technique correction
- bio-mechanical correction of the shoulder joint, blades, and upper spine
- a return to activity plan
Early frozen shoulder treatment is vital for a speedy recovery.
Causes and Types of Shoulder Injury Treatment
Shoulder sprains, strains and dislocations are very common, and are often caused by sporting activities that involve excessive overhead motion like swimming, tennis, throwing a ball, and weightlifting. The most common injuries are referred to as “rotator cuff” or impingement injuries. Also, an aging shoulder can be prone to osteoarthritis or bursitis, where inflammation, restriction and pain may also develop. Common symptoms of shoulder problems include a “clicking” or “grinding” sensation with motion, restriction of movement especially with an overhead motion, an aching pain on the side and upper arm or in the top and front of the shoulder.
Frozen shoulder
This refers to loss of arm movement at the shoulder joint combined with inflammation of muscles, ligaments and tendons within the joint that surrounds the shoulder. These become thickened and shortened and eventually ‘stick’ together, hence the term – adhesive capsulitis. This may follow a recent minor trauma, dislocation, prolonged immobilisation, heart attack and sometimes neck problems (cervical radiculitis). Pain may be felt if you push beyond the limited movement. It eventually worsens until all movements are greatly reduced i.e the frozen stage. Early diagnosis is vital because the condition is reversible. Once it has progressed into the adhesive/frozen stage, some restriction may still remain. The recovery period depends on how long the problem has existed and the severity of it.
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis or Tear
The rotator cuff muscles (those muscles around the shoulder blade) play an important role in the movement of the shoulder. The rotator cuff tendon is a major source of pain and disability. If it becomes inflamed (tendonitis) or torn, some movements of the shoulder is lost. However, our Sydney Chiropractor will be able to move the shoulder noting only a slight loss in movement due to pain. Whereas with frozen shoulder, our Chiropractor will not be able to move the joint. Rotator cuff muscle pain is usually due to trauma or overuse movements.
Bursitis / Impingement Syndrome
Bursas are fluid filled sacs that surround certain joints of the body and act to prevent excess friction between tissues and/or bony surfaces. In the shoulder, you will find the sub-deltoid bursa that lies underneath the deltoid muscles. (These muscles make the rounded shape of the shoulder/arm). The bursa can become inflamed or pinched which in turn will produce pain and some limited movement of the shoulder. Slight swelling and heat production may be felt.
Referred Pinched Nerve pain from the Neck
When joints become fixated and irritated in the neck, pressure may occur on the surrounding nerves. These nerves supply information to the muscles of the shoulder and if these nerves become inflamed, the muscles go into spasm and weaken, and susequently movement will be affected. Chiropractic treatment can help this.
Other causes include shoulder dislocation, shoulder instability (i.e. a loose joint), calcific tendinitis, a ligament injury (eg. an A/C joint separation), or arthritis.
A professional and accurate and diagnosis of shoulder injuries is required as it is not always easy to determine the source of the problem. A visit to Advanced Sports Chiropractic, will enable our Sydney Chiropractor to examine all areas around your shoulder to determine the cause of your problem, and formulate a program to get great results.
Our Sydney Chiropractor at Advanced Sports Chiropractic can with help sports injuries such as a ligament tear, joint sprain, slipped disc, repetitive hamstring strains, ankle sprains, shoulder problems, or tennis elbow.
Sports Chiropractic is a great way to assist people to better performance as well as helping recovery from injuries by Shoulder Injury Treatment, by assisting better spinal alignment, and allowing joints and muscles to function at their best.
At Advanced Sports Chiropractic, we not only look to provide treatments to assist recovery at the site of injury, but to assess and correct the underlying causes that may have resulted in the injury. Therefore, we can achieve a more complete resolution of your injury and avoid re-occurrence.