Australians suffering from many forms of painful conditions might well benefit from a series of sessions with a Sydney chiropractor. One particular condition that can be significantly relieved by chiropractic methods is sciatica, also known as radiating or referred pain, neuralgia, or neuropathy. Sciatica presents as pain beginning in the lower back or buttocks, and travelling to the legs.
Sciatic nerve pain varies in frequency and intensity. Typical symptoms include a burning or tingling sensation, or a feeling of numbness. These sensitivities are in turn a result of compression of the sciatic nerve, often caused by herniated discs, lumbar spine subluxations, tumors, diabetes, constipation, pregnancy or childbirth.
Chiropractic means “by hand”. The chiropractor uses a holistic paradigm of wellness as the basis for the manual stimulation of spinal joints. This stretching of the joints releases gas from lubricating fluids, making a popping sound. Corrective spinal or peripheral adjustment is non-invasive, safe and efficient. Chiropractic therapy avoids the need for drugs or surgery.
Piriformis Syndrome is another cause of sciatic pain. The cramps and spasms of the piriformis muscle (located in the lower back, and connected to the thigh), pinch the neighboring sciatic nerve. This creates inflammation and pain.
The chiropractor begins by ascertaining what is at the root of the sciatica. Tests of blood pressure, pulse, breathing and reflexes will be undertaken. There will be analysis of movements such as walking, lifting, turning and bending. This will evaluate any areas of improper motion in the spinal column.
Chiropractic therapy utilizes the body’s innate capability for self repair. The nervous system is motivated by means of a passive manual manoeuvre using a dynamic thrust. This sudden force increases the range of motion in the affected joint by increasing circulation to heal scar tissue. This is how a Sydney chiropractor relieves the issues associated with sciatic pain and assists people with regaining their mobility and normal way of life free, free of any pain .